KIB Newsletter April 2021
International Trade Webinars & Online Events – diary dates:
- DIT: Path to Asia: Opportunities for Doing Business in India 2021, 7 April, Click here for more information
- DIT: Using Social Media to Find New Clients 20-21 April, Click here for more information
- DIT: Harness the Power of e-Commerce to Win International Business, 28-29 April, Click here for more information
- DIT: Winning and Delivering Business Internationally, 10-11 May, Click here for more information
SEED Project Update
Kent County Council and Kent Invicta Chamber along with counterparts in Essex, Medway and East Sussex have secured funding from SELEP (the South East Local Enterprise Partnership) for a new project called SEED (South East Export Development).
The project runs from March and will consist of a series of virtual export readiness sessions and virtual trade missions and free activities to help companies to access new international markets. The project will focus on the following sectors and markets:
- Agri-food – US, Ireland, Hong Kong
- Life Sciences – Middle East, SE Asia
- Digital & Creative – US, Canada
We’re currently accepting expressions of interest from businesses interesting in receiving free support from the project. Please click here to visit to find out more and to download and expression of interest form.

Life Sciences Update:
Boost4Health Support Vouchers are available now! (max. value €1,500):
Support Vouchers for Kent Life Science SMEs aim to boost collaborations between SMEs and a ‘service provider in a different NW Europe country. It can be used for hiring expertise for a short time, examples include:
- Hire a consultant, to carry out lead generation / customer identification activities abroad.
- Feasibility studies for market suitability / insight / routes to market.
- Hire a consultant / agency, to carry product or marketing material localization activities abroad.
- One-day digital training sessions on specific topics
Please click here to apply for a Support Voucher
Apply for a Boost4Health Connection Voucher (max. value €500):
Kent Life Science companies who are keen to attend virtual events hosted across North West Europe can apply for a €500 Boost4Health Connection Voucher. The voucher can be used to cover fees for online events and other relevant services to the event (special sessions, costs for promotion, matchmaking apps) or for internationalisation purposes. Events including the following would be eligible:
- Innovation for Health 2021, 15 -16 April see for more information
- MedTech Live 20-22 April see for more information
- BioEquity Europe 17-19 May see for more information
- BioMedica on the Move 25 May
- MedFit 14 – 15 Sept
Please click here to apply for a Connection Voucher
Don’t forget, if you become a Boost4Health Service Provider, Life Science companies from across NW Europe could spend their B4H Vouchers with you!Find out more about becoming a Service Provider by clicking here.
SEED Project – SE Asia and the Middle East
The SEED project (funded by SELEP) is organising a virtual programme of export activity for Life Science companies based in Kent, Essex and East Sussex. The programme will being with some export-readiness training activities before the summer to be followed by a series of virtual trade missions in the autumn. The target markets are SE Asia and the Middle East so if you’re interested in getting involved, please visit the SEED website by clicking on this link and completing an Expression of Interest form.
IMPULS Project
The new IMPULS project (Innovation in Manufacturers and Production Units in Life Sciences and Nutrition) will provide free innovation support through a programme of cross-border events and webinars (including virtual Life Science Trade Show participation), which will connect life sciences and nutrition businesses from SE England and NW France. further information will be made available as soon as it is ready. In the meantime, please get in touch by emailing to express an interest in participating and you can also click here to visit the IMPULS website by clicking on this link and completing an Expression of Interest form.
Medica, Dusseldorf, 15 – 18 November 2021
Secure your place at MEDICA 2021. Join the ABHI UK Pavilion Today!
The current international travel restrictions make committing to physical events difficult. This is why ABHI is offering a flexible package for companies. In line with the policy of Messe Düsseldorf, the organisers of MEDICA, all exhibitors have until 7th May 2021 to withdraw from the show at no cost should they wish.
To join the ABHI UK Pavilion at MEDICA 2021, and for all enquiries, please contact
Anglonordic Life Science Conference (SEHTA)
SEHTA is one of the partners & sponsors for the 2021 Anglonordic Life Science Conference which will be delivered digitally this year and is ordinarily exclusively for European investors and R&D companies from the Nordics and the UK to connect with each other. This year the event is extending its reach to a global audience. So if you’re interested in the Nordic and UK Lifescience sector please click here to visit the website and find out more.
The conference includes panel discussions, parallel technology and biotech investment digital rooms, plus 1:1 video meetings.
The Anglonordic Life Science Conference has a “by-invitation-only” policy. The organisers welcome a limited number of service suppliers as sponsors or exhibitors.
£20 million SME Brexit Support Fund – Apply now
The £20 million SME Brexit Support Fund can help small businesses with changes to trade rules with the EU through providing up to £2,000 to help with training or professional advice, if your business has up to 500 employees and no more than £100 million annual turnover.