KIB Newsletter November 2022
International Trade Webinars & Events – diary dates:
- DIT, The Internationalisation Fund: Co-Investment Funding for SMEs, 2 November. Click here for more information
- DIT, Imports and Exports: Keeping Customs Compliant, 2 November. Click here for more information
- DIT, Food & Drink Webinar: Trends, Market Overview, Best Practice in Exporting to Indonesia, 2 November. Click here for more information
- DIT, Driving UK Regions’ Growth Through Digital Tech Exports, 2 November. Click here for more information
- DIT, Export Academy Live Roadshow, 3 November. Click here for more information
- KICC, INCOTERMS 2020 And Their Relationship With Duty And VAT (For Exporters And Importers), 8 November. Click here for more information
- DIT, Doing Business in India, 8 November. Click here for more information
- DIT, Winning Business, 22 November. Click here for more information
- KICC, Getting Paid for Your Exports. Arranging Finance Facilities for Your Imports, 29 November. Click here for more information
International Trade Week
31 October – 4 November 2022
Organised by the Department for International Trade, the week of business and sector-led activities, showcasing events and workshops is available to businesses of all sizes and all sectors, across the UK, free of charge.
- The Department for International Trade is committed to helping UK businesses seize international trade opportunities. The week will help businesses learn more about selling globally, understand investment potential in the UK and connect with trade industry experts.
- It is aimed at businesses who are looking to maximise their global potential, giving them the advice, and confidence, they need to take the next steps to grow their business and access new international markets.
- Businesses will be able to use the International Trade Week website to build their own programme of events across the week, with both virtual and in-person opportunities available.
Click here to view all the events.
Events taking place as part of International Trade Week 2022 will focus on four key themes:
- How to trade
- Green trade and finding investment
- Trade as a force for good
- Finding your market – global opportunities

IMPULS Project Update
We’re currently finalising arrangements for our IMPULS stand at Medica 2022 in Dusseldorf. If you’re visiting the show, please pop by and say hello – our stand is in Hall 16.
Virtual Pitch and Match Session Programme:
- 29 November: Meet with experts from our Global Digital Marketing Webinar
- 29-30 November: Biotechnology– connect with other participants of the BioFit conference.
- 12 December: Meet with experts in regulations for the French Medical Devices market
- 12 January 2023: ‘All things Health & Life Sciences’ – Meet with experts from previous IMPULS webinars and business on both sides of the Channel
How to participate:
- Click here to visit the matchmaking platform and create a profile (you can upload images, videos and other information to showcase your company or your offer)
- Check the session dates above and indicate your availability for meetings on the platform
- Book 121 meetings with other participants on the platform
To find out more about the IMPULS project please click here.

SEED Project Update
The South East Export Development (SEED) project has helped small businesses from East Sussex, Kent & Medway, Essex and South Essex to access new markets and make new virtual connections overseas, through the delivery of a series of Virtual Trade Missions and free activities for businesses within the Food & Drink, Health & Life Sciences, and Digital & Creative sectors. The formal programme of activities came to an end on 31 October but we have established good links through the project that we can use to assist Kent businesses in future.
Completed programmes to date include the following:
- HOFEX – Hong Kong (Food & Drink)
- United Arab Emirates (Food & Drink)
- Ireland (Health & Life Sciences)
The remaining SEED programmes currently being delivered until the end of October 2022 are for markets focusing on the UAE, Malaysia, Canada (Health & Life Sciences), Canada (Digital & Creative), and the Philippines, Vietnam (Food & Drink).
We have a number of market insight reports available for the following sectors and markets:
- Digital & Creative – Canada
- Life Sciences – Canada
- Vietnam – Food & Drink
- UAE – Food & Drink
- UAE Life Sciences
- Malaysia Life Sciences
Please let us know if you’re interested in receiving a copy.

Introducing the UK Trade & Export Finance Forum 2022
Registration Now Open – Thursday, 17 November 2022 (London)
The UK Trade & Export Finance Forum brings together finance and business leaders for a full day of presentations, case studies, panels, workshops and networking, covering the latest developments in export and trade finance. Whether you are a UK supplier looking to export overseas or an international corporate seeking long term financing, this forum will provide you with insight and business connections to support you in your export journey.
What to expect?
• The opportunity to meet with decision-makers at major global companies to discuss their supply chain needs and procurement processes.
• Insights from leading trade finance experts and policy-makers on market and sector trends.
• Connect with your regional Export Finance Manager and International Export Finance Executives to find out how UKEF can support you to succeed overseas.
• Unparalleled networking and a range of sessions including workshops, one-to-one meetings, panels and case studies.
Who should attend?
• UK exporters of any size looking to expand their presence internationally.
• International corporates seeking finance.
• Banks, private lenders or insurers, and legal firms.
• Trade, business, and policy organisations.
Please click here to find out more and register.
Please note: All registrations will be subject to review by UK Export Finance.

1st European Industrial Subcontracting Meeting in Santander (Spain)
14-15 December 2022
This event will gather European buyers looking for suppliers of pieces, components, or equipment they might subcontract for their activity, with the aim of putting European purchasing managers in contact with Cantabrian subcontracting companies dealing with several fields of activity.
The Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria would arrange for you a schedule of individual meetings with selected suppliers able to offer competitive solutions according to your subcontracting needs, as well as visits to Cantabrian firms you might be interested in.
Cantabria is a leading region in Spain, with an important number of companies specialised in industrial subcontracting, which belong to different sectors such as automotive, naval/maritime, aeronautic, oil & gas, nuclear, processing industries etc.
Suppliers also come from different fields such as casting, chip forming, metalwork, mechanism, heat and surface treatments, plastics, machine tools, moulds, casts and dies, electricity and electronics.
The topics in this meeting will include:
- The buying companies describe the product/activity of the suppliers they are interested in
- Identify the subcontracting companies able to meet the requirements and send the information to the buyers
- The buyers decide which suppliers they want to meet with
- Meetings will be held in the facilities of the Chamber of Commerce of Cantabria on 14 December
- Visits to selected companies will take place on 15 December
If you would like to participate in this event, please email for an application form.

FREE Spanish Courses for Businesses Trading with Spanish Speaking Countries
Until 5 December 2022 5:15 pm – 6:15 pm
Are you looking to expand your business potential in Spanish speaking countries? Are you dealing with Spanish people and/or Spanish businesses?
Spangles Education Limited is offering FREE in person Spanish courses for companies in Kent to help grow your business opportunities into the Spanish market. These courses for Beginners and Intermediate students are held in Kings Hill Community Hall in West Malling.
They are confident that after this FREE course, starting on Monday 17th October until 5th December 2022, students could continue at a normal price in January 2023.